MISMO Approves Commercial Appraisal Dataset Standard
June 17, 2021
Tara Dunion (202) 557-2849MISMO®, the real estate finance industry's standards organization, announced today the availability of its updated Commercial Appraisal Dataset standard. The dataset and accompanying package of resources help facilitate the efficient exchange of appraisal information across the commercial real estate finance industry. The dataset standard has achieved "Candidate Recommendation" status, which means that it has been thoroughly reviewed by a wide range of organizations and industry participants and is available for use across the industry.
"Commercial real estate appraisals are data intensive, with reliance upon and delivery of hundreds of data points," said Jeff Hurley, Senior Managing Director, CBRE. "It is imperative that the industry adopt and utilize one data standard for the ease and consistency of the transmittal of this data between appraisers, lenders and investors." Read More Here!