
MISMO Commercial Standards standardize industry terms and definitions, and provide a comprehensive structure for the relationship of data in commercial loans to be used in a consistent manner across all transactions.

Highlighted Initiatives

Commercial Appraisal Dataset

This package facilitates the efficient exchange of commercial appraisal information, critical for underwriting and loss mitigation, between multiple industry participants. The dataset was developed from a collaborative effort of the commercial real estate and technology professionals.

Commercial Financial Operating Statement Data Standard

The new MISMO exchange was developed by commercial real estate and technology professionals in response to the need to create a standard structure for sharing property financial operating statement data. The data exchange facilitates the efficient exchange of any property financial statement regardless of which chart of accounts is used, giving the commercial industry a huge amount of flexibility without requiring everyone to adopt a single chart of accounts.   

Commercial Green Borrower Questionnaire

MISMO’s Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) community of practice (CoP) gained input from commercial lending professionals who collaborated to develop and standardize a set of questions that borrowers are asked to answer when applying for a commercial loan. These standardized questions are designed to assist lenders in gathering borrower information when originating, underwriting or servicing commercial loans in order to increase borrower participation in ESG.

Commercial Green Utility Data Standard 

The dataset will facilitate the efficient exchange of multifamily green utility data across the commercial real estate finance industry. It was developed by commercial real estate and technology professionals in response to increased reporting requirements brought about by the growing use of energy and water efficient features on commercial and multifamily properties.

Commercial Rent Roll Dataset

MISMO's multifamily and commercial rent roll dataset supports robust uses for sharing multifamily and commercial property data between different parties. The dataset includes a logical data dictionary model and definitions to support sample use cases. Follow the link below for more information.