Commercial API Development Workgroup

Development of APIs for the Commercial MISMO datasets (Appraisal, Rent Roll, Financial Operating Statements and Green Utility) will create a path forward for broad adoption across the commercial real estate industry. 

Key activities of the DWG will include:

  • Gather vendors, lenders, and other industry participants
  • Establish initial priorities, preliminary plan and any additional resource needs
  • Develop roadmap for implementing APIs
  • Create phased plan for development and utilization of APIs

How to Join

Anyone may participate in a MISMO development workgroup or community of practice regardless of membership status.  Voting members of Information Management and Architecture Workgroup are elected as per governance procedures.  Membership in MISMO is open to anyone - mortgage lenders, banks, credit unions, servicers, vendors, government agencies and more. MISMO members receive a voice, and vote, in creating and enhancing industry standards used by the entire industry.  Learn more here.

Go To Connect Site


Brian Hunt, Fannie Mae, Chair


John Pomaranski, MISMO

Meeting Schedule

Meets the 3rd Thursday of each month from 1-2pm EST. 
Meeting URL: